Friday, February 19, 2010
Here We Go Again
Today was another whopper of a day. As I expected, Mom was in right BITCH (hate to use this word for my mother but) form after sleeping all of last night, through prime timeTV hours to the morning. Soon as I got up today she was on my case and I had to tell her off! The first thing she said upon my awaking was "Ohhhhhhhhhhh" in a very negative tone. "I thought you'd be asleep 'til four maybe ..."
"Here we go, " I commented dryly, frowning, heading to the bathroom. Then, as I got back to the kitchen, she tore into me about her usual bullshit as I started to prepare coffee. It got so bad, I had to just go back into the bedroom and lay on the bed, since I knew sleep wouldn't come, abandoning the coffee and all. After maybe fifteen minutes or so I came back out to the kitchen. I just don't get it with her. She is so hateful to me. Oh, why do I even bothering trying to explain this situation. It is so terribly sad. I do not know what I am going to do now. This just cannot go on like it's been, and since mom seems to be getting more crazy ... I just don't know anymore. I just don't know.
God, please help me. I have to get away from here but have absolutely no resources.
She sits there thinking about all the choices she has made, the ones she can remember; of the missteps and the disastrous aftermath endured. Sixty-six years old! It sounded funny, odd, as if it were truly someone else. But, then again, that’s how she had been feeling in recent years … not at all the woman whom he had prided herself in being raised by hard-working, God-fearing Christians in the Baptist church. She had been back-sliding, but only this time at a rapid-fire pace, and she didn’t like it at all. A morning glance in the bathroom mirror often said enough. And now …. Her sixty-sixth birthday was here. Sixty-six years on earth, four children, one husband, if one could even call it that. The “husband”, such as it was, had gone west the same year their youngest offspring was born. So much for love, commitment, and the vows of fidelity. Oh, please! The rumors of hubby’s legendary womanizing ways pre-dated their official union. Marriage did not seem to slow him down either. Actually, truth be told, he had been with so many women, she remembered lying in the hospital bed with their first born and the mother to one of his many other “bastard” children in the next room, having just given birth to a child of her own – one of his! Foolishly, she had never remarried though there had been other loves.
Looking back, she had to shake her head in sheer amazement. How did she EVER make it through? And why did she have to be so stubborn and rebellious against her father’s warnings about this man who would become her cheating husband? Was it the need to escape home, or was it simply the fact that she had truly loved the rogue her brother-in-law had introduced her to? So many bad memories, broken promises, hurtful circumstances … Ending up a single parent raising three kids; having to give up the fourth child (the result of an on-on-off relationship years after the husband had left)! The money struggles to give the three children not only what they needed but what they wanted also. Sixty-six years - so full of strife and last-minute challenges. Oh, those challenges to make ends-meet …
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Snowbound ...
The first snowfall has come and gone. The memories of summer are faint, but linger on. Life is not great - still, not great for me at all, but I am still alive somehow. At least for now. In spite of it all.
My mother is working my last nerves. I have been stuck here in NS now for some time and nobody seems to GET IT. All the pain I feel daily, the longing for Toronto or some other metropolis, so that I can be ME once again, at last. To have an opportunity to share my creative endeavors with the masses, and to just LIVE, an not be an afterthought in my family's lives. Especially after all my contributions to them since returning. My older sister is the worst one for not seeming to remember how I have supported her and her daughter, given financial aid with whatever money I had when first back, with a little "extra" cash. Now she doesn't call me nor do we have any real relationship to speak of. She has chosen to make her world about she and her now teen daughter, at the expensive of her two brothers and mother, her family of origin.
There is so much emptiness ... So much pain ...over and over ... One would think the pain would fill the void, and the emptiness would no longer exist ... If only ...
If life is about learning, and I would like to think it is, in part, then how much suffering does one person have to endure? Does the suffering go over and over, until the lesson is learned? Can it be that we learn every lesson that we need to learn in a lifetime? Hmmmm.
Why am I stuck in this NOTHINGNESS as if I never had any power to make things happen at all? Is it that I am supposed to be OUT of Toronto at this particular time in the history of the world? Is there some bigger picture really happening here with the lull of my life? I don't meet people ... Social networking offline really is not working here in NS for me. Sex? The last time I had that was so long ago, it is verging on the pathetic. And this constant battle with my own mother?!!!!???!!! I do not actually think that in her right mind that she HATES me but she carries on as though she does, so what's the difference? Why must this be happening to me?
As I type this, all these questions ...I do realize I am among many others before me who have asked the "WHYS" of it all. Yet, where is the comfort ... ? Where are the answers?
Me & Mom ~ This Isn't Going To End Well
Most of my days start off very rocky. Speaking of which - I think Mom might truly be off her "rocker" now! One day last year she locked me out of the back door of the house only minutes after I had gone out the front door, to take out some garbage and survey the yard a bit. After gathering the newspaper from it's mail slot I decided to walk around a bit and then come back into the house via the back entrance - which actually looks like/and is often mistaken for the front entrance, though there is no driveway there, just lots of lawn! Well, the joke was on me, because when I got up the stairs, planning to come in and cut through the veranda, the door was not only suddenly closed, but locked! THAT FAST!!!!
She denies having done it ...
Often now she will accuse me of trying to drive HER crazy (FFS!) and calls me all kinds of variations on Satan ... but, as the Brits say, it's "bollox" anyway.
Mom is a classic case of DENIAL.
A classic case of what the doctor's call TRANSFERENCE, trying to make the one she is verbally abusing out to be the abuser, and I'm so not falling for it.
I feel sorry for her yes, but her long-standing stubborn, not listening to anybody, particularly anything I might have to offer as advice from my life experiences, is the big thing that is blocking her own HEALING ... So, after awhile, you feel less sorry, and just frustrated with what you're being put through also, and sad for the person doing it ...
As if ...
As if I would believe her: "I think you're losing it ...!"
Yeah, whatever Mom ... Go Grow Up(one of her favorite sayings ...always somebody else whom needs to grow up!) and deal with your fucking issues. It is about time now. First you blamed my absentee father for everything that didn't agree with you in life, then you blamed us, your kids, and the raising of three kids as a single mother ... In most recent times, you have taken to blaming me ...The ONLY CHILD OF YOURS WHO COMES TO HELP YOU, and see you!
Where is the fucking justice in THAT?!!!!